
Color You Ocean is a gamification learning app developed by WhereAR Limited. This app features digital interactive learning, along with artistic creation and innovative technology. It provides opportunities to learn, play and experience ocean life while expanding language and reading skills. State of the art 3D animation and realistic graphics combined with AI (artificial intelligence) and AR (augmented reality) bring sea creatures and their amazing underwater world to life. This fun-filled app allows children to create their own unique sea animals in the simulated ocean.

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AR Gamification
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Behavior Analysis
English Recordings
Digital Content Design
Informative Videos


Artistic Creation

Children can create freely on various graphic designs, encouraging their imagination and artistic creativity.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) brings colorful sea creatures to life.

AR Gamification

3D Augmented Reality (AR) animates your sea animal creations and unlocks an exciting world of fun.

English Learning

This immersive app provides opportunities to learn and experience ocean life while improving pronunciation and promoting ecological conservation awareness.


The backend portal displays students' interactions, learning progress, and other behavioral features to familiarize teachers with their learning status, challenges, and motivations.


Basic Version

User accounts (unlimited) Behavioral analysis backend 5 sea animal AR animations Instructional video and user manual Data backup, system maintenance & update and technical support

Advanced Version

Q&A Sections Windows exhibition version User accounts (unlimited) User behavior data analysis backend 5 sea animal AR animations Instructional video and user manual Data backup, system maintenance & update and technical support

Customized Project

3D model design and construction AR animation Video production App programming Manage your own backend Other special features